How does Harbor fit in?

Unlike automobile manufacturing, software development. maintenance, and procurement is happening in virtually every organization in the industrialized world. The identity and operations locales of the world's automobile manufacturers and parts suppliers is arguably knowable and can be regulated.

Conversely, the number of software systems, developers, consumers, and operators on the planet is a far more challenging catalog to develop and maintain. Even if you could identify all the developers and consumers, the age of cloud computing has made it so that the systems themselves are ephemeral and can come and go many times a day if not minute. This ultimately means that organizations that operate software systems will need to actively maintain an inventory of their own systems and actively opt-in to a vulnerability data-sharing relationship.

Harbor is a system designed to empower you as a system operator to create and maintain an inventory of software components relative to your operations. Once you have established your inventory, you can hook into the different sources of vulnerability data, or enrichment sources, and manage your own recall process when you determine a vulnerability is relevant to your organization.