
The mongodb::Service trait provides consistent, generic persistence capabilities for types that implement theMongoDocument trait. It is specialized to the opinionated conventions adopted by the Harbor Team. It can be thought of as a pre-and-post-processor that ensures mandatory generic logic is consistently applied across all operations against a Store. Application code should not need to be aware of the Store and should perform operations against a Service instead.

MongoDocument Trait

The MongoDocument trait must be applied to any entities you wish to persist to MongoDB as the root document of a collection. The trait provides two capabilities. First, it provides the Store a way to retrieve the type name of a passed struct dynamically at run time. The type name is used to resolve the collection the struct belongs to. Second, since Rust traits cannot contain fields, the trait provides default getter and setter functions for the id field. This is required, because the Service trait is designed around the convention that all entity keys are uniformly named.

This implies two things:

  • Harbor's MongoDB collections will be named after the struct they contain.
  • Entities must have a public id field of type String.

The MongoDocument trait can be applied to any conformant entity by applying the mongo_doc macro as show here.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use platform::persistence::mongodb::mongo_doc; mongo_doc!(Package); }