
Mac M1 Docker Container Execution Failure

If you are running on a Mac M1, and are getting an error similar to:

ERR execution failure error="input:1: container.from.withEnvVariable.withExec.stdout process \"echo sample output from debug container\" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1\n\nStdout:\n\nStderr:\n"

You may need to install colima.

To install colima on a Mac using Homebrew:

brew install colima

Start colima:

colima start --arch x86_64

Then go ahead and run the workflow engine.

Registry Authentication Issues

If you getting an error connecting to the GitHub container registry similar to:

ERR execution failure error="input:1: container.from unexpected status from HEAD request to 403 Forbidden\n

You will need to login to the GitHub Container Registry as follows.

Login to GitHub Container Registry

To login to the GitHub Container Registry, you will need to first create a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) and use the token to login to the GitHub Container Registry using the following command:

docker login

Then go ahead and run the workflow engine in the same terminal window.